Xoey Encarna

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.
I'll meet you there."

Roleplay Hooks

Highly Fashionable

A tried and true ice-breaker will get her attention, but not for long.

True Dalmascan

You heard her speaking and recognized the accent or perhaps are Dalmascan yourself.

Mysterious Legacy

Perhaps her outfit revealed the marking on her back and you have one too?

Bilingual Viera

It is hard to not notice her ears and fluffy tail and you wish to say something, or you are a Viera as well, she will certainly speak Vieran to you.

Business Ventures

If you spend time in Hingashi than you are almost certain to hear her name or be told about her good deeds.

Organized Crime

You are looking for contracts to help her eliminate the worst kind of criminals, the ones who hurt innocents. She will be very willing to help with contacts and her hefty purse.


Not even the Light of Kiltia could see the walls unbroken or the people unmolested in the great city of Rabanastre. The light in my own eyes turning a grim orange at the fires I witnessed and my ears held tightly to my head as the machines flooded the streets, tearing innocents apart, staining the sandstone with blood.Our swords were no match and flesh was like paper which the Garleans tore to shreds, for the ones like me who were able to flee, we did. When I open my eyes each morning there is a moment when I see the gardens in my courtyard and I hear the voices of my family beckoning me for the day, it haunts me even now and I know my long life will only add to the sorrow I feel. Gone but not forgotten, I tell myself and I feel the words in my bones. I will carry on and make my life have purpose for others, I will fight in hopes to see my home again.The ship will be arriving in the morning at the ports in Limsa Lominsa and then I will make my way to Thanalan, I hope the information I received is still valid when I arrive and they still wish a Viera in their forces.


It’s been some time since I have dared touch the pages of this journal, the memories within are like a codex of pain I wish to keep locked away and yet here I am, touching the pages again with ink, making their magick stronger. Perhaps this map of my life in words will serve a purpose beyond cathartic expression, I will find the courage to read what I have created then reflect and appreciate my struggles, but for now I must relay to these pages another sorrow that weighs heavy on my mind. Carteneau.My work with the Grand Companies had been fruitful until that day when the skies turned red and filled with Garlean airships, that familiar sound of ceruleum engines made my ears ring and I remembered the horrors of Dalmasca. My home for the last ten years was under siege and the magnitude of this apocalypse was beyond my comprehension.Bahamut. I shake even now thinking that name and more so when I remember the sight of Dalamud hatching the end of our world. Louisoix. My trusted friend and teacher, beloved by many, was lost, but not before he shuttled myself and the few who were left from the Eorzean Alliance into the Rift. Five years passed but it felt like seconds, all of us walking into the sun together, unharmed yet marked with a symbol on our backs. Everything is different now and when I look over my shoulder I feel like something is watching me.


Hello again, my old friend.It has been thirty years since my fingers have touched your leather binding and turned your pages. Keeper of my many sorrows, I have neglected you. Not without good reason, though.Today I wish to make peace with you and reverse the pain contained on these pages. Hingashi. I arrived here in the days following the Calamity, I no longer recognized the landscape and the pangs of homesickness were stronger than ever. The same port I arrived at so many years before now would reverse my course back to Othard. I felt peace when my feet touched the soil of home, then I felt the defeat wash over me.I did not receive a hero's welcome when I entered Kugane nor any reprieve when attempting to start my life over. Broke, unfamiliar with the language, homeless but with a story to tell. I took many contracts from random criminals around the dark alleyways of Kugane, killing Garleans for profit and personal revenge. I became a machine of death much like the ones who killed my people, losing myself and forgetting my conscience for a time. Nothing could sate my bloodlust or the hunger I felt each day.This shadow over my shoulder, watching me since I passed through the Rift Lousioix saved us with, it guides me now. My own aether or anothers? I can’t be sure and I won't ask the question, I am at peace now. Fifteen Seventy-Two. I think back to the Umbral era and my heart fills with sorrow. Then the Astral reset in which I was reborn, now I know what I must do. I have made a home for myself, an Empire.No longer do I go to sleep hungry with the blood of Garleans on my hands, I have a bed and warm bath to welcome me and sound sleep. I have done well with my life and the prospect of hundreds more no longer weighs on my soul. To do good for others who cannot help themselves is my mission, to love I am capable of, especially Myself.Goodbye, old friend. Retirement comes to us all and through these many years you have carried the weight of my life in words. I shall find a shelf that gets light from the morning sun to set you upon.


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Voice Claim

Basic Info

Businesswoman, Criminal and Philanthropist


Xoey has a striking appearance, with long, graceful limbs and a tall, slender figure. Her facial features are elegant and refined, with a sharp nose, high cheekbones, and full lips. Her eyes are almond-shaped and bright, with a depth that suggests wisdom and intelligence.Her sense of fashion is impeccable, with a preference for flowing, silken gowns in shades of gold and softer colors such as white, pale blues and greens. She accessorizes with delicate jewelry made from gold and precious stones.Her snowy white hair is her most distinguishing feature, cascading down her back in waves of pure, luminous beauty. Despite her advanced age, her hair is still thick and lustrous, with no hint of gray or fading color. It is a symbol of her purity, wisdom, and grace, and it commands respect and admiration from all who behold her.

Player Notes

I am open to OOC approaches for RP when my tag is on if you wish to discuss a scenario first.I will match the efforts of your posts. I prefer 1-2 paragraphs and details. Proficiency in grammar and the English language is highly desired.Standards & BoundariesI am NOT looking for an IRL relationship. No. Nope. No Way.Please do not be a weirdo. You know who you are.